Wednesday, January 10, 2007

6 weeks to go!

We are just back from a weekend in St. Louis for our friend Tim's wedding. Tim and I go back to Auburn where we were 2 of 6 folks who spent tons of time together and were like my family my Jr and Sr. years of college. Here's the Auburn folks that made it (and some spouses) with the couple.

Tim's from the Nashville area where he moved back about the same time I did, so he and Blayne got to be friends, too. Blayne would hang out at Tim & Rob's place and crash on their couch when I was out of town in our early years of marriage. It was so much fun to catch up with lots of old friends-from Auburn and from Nasvhille. Several of our friends from Nashville are now living in St. Louis so we were able to have some extra time with them on Sunday. Such fun!

Here's the lovely couple! I've known Tim for about 12 years now and his lovely bride, Emmalee, I just met this past weekend. It's so fun to see him so happy! And I can't wait for them to come visit us and go to the mountains. Emmalee loves the outdoors too. Yeah!

Here's my dear friend Sarah Catherine paving the way in the Mommy club. This is her little guy, Brooks and he is 6 1/2 weeks old here. So our kiddos will be just 3 months apart. Crazy to think that we'll soon be welcoming in person this little being constantly squirming and kicking inside me.

Here are the promised baby belly pictures. These were taken yesterday. After the one in the green shirt I thought, this doesn't really show quite how much its sticking out there, so I put on a more snug top for a better belly view. Hope you enjoy them.

We are gearing up for more snow over the next 3 days and HIGH temperatures that don't leave the single digits. Cold, cold, cold! If you're somewhere with no winter right now, we have plenty if you'd like to come and partake. :0)


Blogger What I Did On My Summer Vacation said...

That's a beautiful belly. Thanks for the welcome distraction from grading papers!

2:36 PM  
Blogger The Asian Sensation said...

i updated blog too! just as frequent as you! :) anyways, you are a beautiful prego lady. maybe alien baby chartago won't be so alien looking.....

4:31 PM  

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